The only constant is change …

… ever since Heraclitus is being said to have coined this phrase we know that his insight is more true than ever these days. Accordingly in case you have followed our Blog over that last year you might have noticed that there have been some important changes here at Zollverein School.

Well, one of the milestones has clearly been the grand opening of the new Zollverein School building at the end of July. At the same time the presidency of Zollverein School has been handed over from Prof. Ralph Bruder to Andrej Kupetz. From my perspective this hand over is also a synonym for the transition from setting up such a unique institution like Zollverein School to developing direction and thought leadership at the intersection of design & business in education and practice.

What is now in front of Zollverein School is what Andy Grove, the former CEO of Intel Corporation, called “Strategic Inflection Point”. Accordingly Zollverein School is clearly aiming at going to new heights and is preparing itself for this challenge. Or to quote Andy Grove once more: “An inflection point occurs where the old strategic picture dissolves and gives way to the new”.

So what does this mean on an operational level? Well, so far I can only share this from my blog editors’ perspective. For the moment it means that the blog is taking a break until further notice … but wait, wait: We are clearly in the process of developing other/new options to stay in touch with you and with the people who are interested in what is going on at Zollverein School in the future.

Therefore in the time in between please feel free to subscribe to our Email notification service will will keep you posted about new things to come. Subscription and Administration is very easy and you only have to provide your email address (which will clearly not be shared with any other third-party!) in the field below. Thanks for your ongoing readership and talk to you soon:

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