What the Press says about Zollverein School
It’s one month ago today that the new Zollverein School building has been opened in an official ceremony on July 31st, 2006.
Fortunately I’ve been able to attend the ceremony as well. Beside the official character of the event with lots of officials from public administration, politics and the school itself the atmosphere somehow reminded me on visiting an arts exhibition as well. Lots of people were walking around the (at that time) still empty floors and the architects themselves also led visitors through the building and explained their concept and ideas.
Many journalists have been present as well ranging from design over architecture to local newspapers and magazines. Accordingly within the last couple of weeks lots of articles have been published about Zollverein School.
Today I’d though that it might be a good idea to share a list of resources in order to enable you to make up your mind as well what the interested public thinks about Zollverein School and its thrilling new building (so far most of the resources are still pointing to German nodes, but I’m sure this will change soon …):
- NZZ Online: Von der Kohlenwäsche zum Design der Zukunft
- Wirtschaftsmagazin Ruhr: Designinitiative für den Mittelstand
- BauNetz.de: Design oder Nichtsein
- Die Welt: Würfel ohne Wände
- taz: Bauhaus des 21. Jahrhunderts
- taz: Das Ende der großen Lösungen
- Die Welt: Zollverein wird Top-Adresse für Design
- Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Ein fertiges Haus, ein fortdauernder Prozess
- Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Schlüsselübergabe in der Zeche
- Der Spiegel: “Was ist eine gute Religion?”
- Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Ein fertiges Haus, ein fortdauernder Prozess
Update 05/09/06: Another source found via SPIEGEL Online:
- Süddeutsche Zeitung, 05.09.06: “Im Master-Werk”